Friday, January 15, 2010

Our Christmas Holidays

Better late than never I suppose. Christmas was great this year. Jai and Arden loved it and were much more aware of the special event. Because there is so much focus on the gift receiving side of things, I would ask Jai, 'What is the meaning of christmas?', and he would say, 'It is Jesus' birthday, and then it's mine'. This is true, but he isn't aware of how much time there is between December and February.

Tim took the kids to see the christmas lights around summerhill on great-pops scooter. The boys loved it!

We still have our little fiber-optic tree; it is perfect to keep out of reach from curious little people.

Christmas day was first spent occupying the kids while we waited for tim to get home. Then after quickly opening the presents we had a beautiful lunch at Pauline and Todd's. Thanks again guys for the great food and company, we really appreciate it.


  1. Hey Helene its Steve,
    Great work with the site, I'm not familiar with blogspot so i hope i am writing something in the right area! haha. I showed this to the family and they love it, keep it updated when you can its great to see photo's and here how you guys are doing!

    Love Steve. (your brother) hahaha

  2. Yay, just read your posts. Hope you enjoy blogging!! We are looking forward to keeping in touch via blogland when we move.

  3. Hey Helene!

    this is Mana and Pani.We are looking at ur bogspot hahaha, its awesome!!! the kids look so grown up and super cute!
    cant wait to see you guys at the wedding next month :)

    love Mana & Pani
